TMJ Dysfunction & Bruxism

TMJ dysfunction and bruxism can cause a number of serious oral health conditions

TMJ Dysfunction & Bruxism

Regularly grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw – known as bruxism – can cause a number of more serious oral health conditions that may put your teeth, smile and jaw health at risk.

In some cases, bruxism can be caused by certain behaviours that increase your likelihood of clenching and grinding your teeth. These can include:

  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol use
  • Certain drugs or medications
  • Stress
  • A misaligned bite
  • Jaw disorders

In other cases, the cause of bruxism may not be known.

The impact of bruxism

While many of us occasionally clench or grind our teeth when we’re stressed, for other people this habit is persistent and ongoing.

You may not even realise you’re engaging in this behaviour until someone notices and informs you. In many cases, grinding and clenching occur overnight.

Some indicators that you may be grinding your teeth include teeth sensitivity, a headache upon waking, and prematurely worn teeth.

A long-term clenching and grinding habit – particularly overnight – can result in a number of oral and general health conditions with long-term consequences:

  • Broken, worn or chipped teeth
  • Jaw pain and joint degeneration (TMJD)
  • Headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to cold foods or beverages
  • Mood disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Facial inflammation
  • Infection due to repeated trauma
  • Bony growths beneath the tongue, called tori

A severe bruxism habit can negatively affect your day-to-day life. While some at-home practices, such as stress management and lifestyle choices, can improve symptoms, seeking advice from a qualified dental clinician can reduce or eliminate the consequences of teeth grinding.

At CBD Dental, our expert dentists are experienced in treating bruxism, so you can break free of this habit and move forward with your life.

What is TMJ dysfunction?

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction affects the joints on either side of the jaw.

This condition is characterised by jaw pain, clicking, popping, locking or inflammation of the muscles surrounding the joints.

TMJ Dysfunction & Bruxism

Long-term affects

Long-term bruxism often leads to jaw disorders, which worsen over time without proper professional treatment.

TMJ disorders can affect daily activities and make eating, yawning and talking difficult and painful.

How TMJ Dysfunction and Bruxism are treated

At our state-of-the-art dental clinic located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD, we take the time to fully evaluate your condition, in order to tailor a treatment plan to suit your specific needs and concerns.

One of our experienced dentists will advise on the best course of treatment to relieve your symptoms and address the underlying condition, discussing your options with you beforehand so you can make an informed choice.

Common treatments for bruxism and TMJ dysfunction include:

  • Correcting misaligned teeth
  • Occlusal splint (night guard)
  • Stress management strategies
  • Lifestyle adjustments
  • Occlusal adjustments to teeth or fillings
  • Repairing damaged teeth

At CBD Dental, we’re here to protect your teeth and safeguard your smile, so you can enjoy better oral health for life.

Get in touch with our friendly dental practice to discuss how our advanced treatment options for bruxism and TMJ disorders can help you.

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Our approach to creating a beautiful smile is based on your unique needs, aspirations and budget, with our experienced team here to support you at every step of the process.

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